Our company headquarters is located at Rua Marcos de Portugal, Laranjeiro however the operational management that delivers these services to our clients is distributed in 5 units:
- Operational Unit 1 – Seixal/Sulfertagus
- Operational Unit 2 – Almada/Private Hire
- Operational Unit 3 - Moita
- Operational Unit 4 – Setubal/Sesimbra
- Operational Unit 5 – Setubal Express/Private Hire
TST operates 190 routes, all of which are fully adapted to the necessities of the local population that resides in our operating area.
Our company fleet consists of approximately 500 vehicles, all of which are maintained and serviced by strategically located workshops throughout our operating areas such as Laranjeiro, Moita, Sesimbra and Setubal.
Operating Area
TST operates in Setubal’s Peninsula, servicing over 1 million inhabitants in the area. Our operating area, with 1600Km2, includes and covers the councils of Alcochete, Almada, Barreiro, Moita, Montijo, Palmela, Seixal, Sesimbra and Setubal, providing transportation services, through urban, suburban and express routes. Our company also operates integrated services with railway stations, charter and regular hire services, proudly offering a great variety of transport services to our clients.
Services Range
The services provided by TST are adapted and tailor-made to the needs of our area of operation with the following deserving a mention:
Suburban services, because of its characteristics, are of major importance in the scope of the activity, especially in Almada, Seixal, Sesimbra, Setubal, Barreiro and Montijo.
Urban services operating in the major conurbations, of which Setúbal deserves a special mention.
Express services between the most densely populated parts of the Setúbal Peninsula and Lisbon.
Integrated connecting services with railway stations.
Charter services for leisure activities.
Regular private hire services to companies located on the Peninsula to regularly transport their employees to and from work.
Mission, Vision and Values
TST’s mission is to provide road-based passenger transport services in Setubal’s Peninsula. In addition to ensuring mobility for all sections of the community, we also undertake environmental, social and leisure activities, thus contributing to improving the quality of life of the people we serve.
Our management aims to guarantee the satisfaction and safety of our customers, the personal and professional satisfaction of our employees through training and development programmes, and financial performance which allows the growth and development of the company.